Saturday, May 22, 2010

jacqart APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2010

 jacqartpress APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2010

Design For Delight

As designers, our job is to communicate ideas effectively. For every particular message, we create a context in which the message would work best, guiding users to achieving their tasks, gaining their trust or convincing them of whatever we’re communicating. Of course, there are endless ways to create this context. One of them is to design for visual aesthetics, surprise, joy, happiness — design for delight;design to be memorable and remarkable.
Attractive things work better and help focus and keep the user’s attention. Memorable design increases excitement for products and brands, leading to increased engagement. In fact, a strong, reliable emotional relationship between your clients and their audience could be the best thing that ever happens to your career.
Hrzk in The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010
Brizk design studio has an aesthetically stunning design, with subtle animations, beautiful typography and a clean layout. When you hover over the red bird in the footer, a small Twitter box is revealed. First-class design that is a pure delight.

Although the vast majority of brands are still silent, passive and impersonal, we’ve observed more websites trying hard to engage our senses, whether through a strong aesthetic appeal, through witty animations in the content block or simply through a little extra attention to small design elements on the “About” page. Such designs are beautiful to look at, fun to navigate but, most importantly, memorable — for the simple reason that they are different. By adding delightful personal touches to your designs, you stand out from the crowd and give visitors something to talk about and share with friends and colleagues. And that’s a good start.
You can elicit delight in a variety of settings: on your maintenance mode page, on the 404 error page, in your pre-loader, and everywhere else. The idea is to surprise visitors by giving them something pleasant to talk about.
Bounty Bev
Bounty Bev is a beverage company with a beautiful one-page design. Apart from its subtle hover effects and animations, the website has some nice extras: if you scroll down the page manually with the mouse wheel, a small pop-up appears asking you if you need a lift. The typography is strong and memorable, and the design is playful. Simple, clear and personal, the website leaves a strong positive impression.
Bounty in The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010

The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue

Advertisement in The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue
 in The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue  in The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue  in The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue
Scientifically speaking, lightning is an abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light. But for photographers it is a beautiful creation from Mother Nature. Lightning occurs during a storm resulting from strong rising air currents; heavy rain or hail along with thunder and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. Mother Nature pigments an galvanic blue sky with a steep contrast of lightning.
Lightning is a mystifying and breathtaking sight to observeiew. For taking a perfect shot, you must focus on Shutter Speed, Second Aperture and Focal Length. Today we have come up with some dazzling examples of lightning.

Stunning Examples of Lightning Photography

Lightning30 in The Beauty of Lightning Photography: A Bolt From The Blue

Beautifully Banal
TDC presents Beautifully Banal, an exhibit of posters designed by Gail Anderson, C2F Studio, Catalogtree, Stephen Doyle, John Downer, Tina Roth Eisenberg, Matthias Ernstberger, Ed Fella, Louise Fili, Jeffrey Fisher, John Gall, Graphiatrist, Leftloft, Ariane Spanier, Superscript and Alex Trochut. The posters will be auctioned to benefit the TDC Scholarship fund on May 11th.
The Type Directors Club in conjunction with Cardon Copy has asked these designers to find a classified/personal newspaper ad from their local community to “hijack” typographically. When redesigned, the once banal and disposable classified ads will be reinterpreted by the designer into a one-of-a-kind collectible poster. Each poster will be auctioned on Tuesday evening, May 11th (starting at 6:00 pm), with proceeds to benefit the TDC Scholarship Fund.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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